“Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.” - Robin S. Sharma


Simply put, engineering is the backbone of society. Many can and will argue that other fields are just as or more important, but I became an engineer because of the reputation and importance that they hold regarding the safety and well-being of the public. I want to be involved in the forward movement of humanity and technological achievement.

Hello, my name is Austin Dada.

The moment that I decided to become a civil/structural engineer was a veritable epiphany. As I drove through the streets of Birmingham, AL during my Driver’s Education course in high school (passing with not-so-flying colors might I add…I had a little bit of a ‘lead foot’), I observed so many individuals doing so many seemingly unconnected jobs that contributed to a wider and greater infrastructure. I became fascinated with this concept and decided that I wanted to be a part of a process that takes the upkeep of urban infrastructure into account. This is when I decided to become a civil engineer.

Now, about 18 years later, I find myself in a position that allows me to work on technical projects in the bridge infrastructure and transportation as a structural engineer. I’ve always been interested in the human side of all fields of work, including technical fields, and I’m very set on finding opportunities at companies that exhibit a culture of excellence, innovation, and productivity while understanding that there is a noble obligation that engineers must hold dear, to hold the safety and well-being of the public paramount above all else and hopefully to promote social and environmental stewardship in the process. This is my personal philosophy in everything that I do.

I’ll never forget what a mentor of mine told me in high school. He said that a moth searches for the moonlight to find its way home, but we see many moths chasing after artificial lights, lamps, candles, etc., thinking that these sources are the moonlight. I believe that public service through engineering is my true moonlight. I want to be able to help humanity and assist in the great infrastructural challenges that so many societies face in the 21st century around the world. 


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